The Pretty Reckless- Blender
So what does everyone think of Taylor's new song? I personally dig it, I actually found it pretty catchy and found myself wanting to listen to it a again once it was over. But that's just my opinion I'm sure a lot people may think otherwise and probably will say they hate it because they just hate the thought of a T.V star being good at both acting and signing. It seems that, that usually is the case in Hollywood you cant sing and act without someone bashing one or the other so what do u think? Honestly tho aside from the fact that she is already a television star. I personally adore her and her style. I would give this song a 4/5 stars how about you?
oh, and if you like this song check out these links and listen to some of her other new demos on youtube such as, zombie and he loves you
oh, and if you like this song check out these links and listen to some of her other new demos on youtube such as, zombie and he loves you
its ok... i thiought she would do something less pop and more indie sounding...